Governance Structure
We believe that success is built on a culture of sustainability in the organisation.
Our culture of sustainability is dependent on a strong, committed and accountable leadership, with the support of every employee.

The Board holds ultimate accountability, provides strategic direction and considers sustainability issues, including the management of material ESG factors when formulating the Group’s strategies and policies.
Audit Committee, Risk and Sustainability Committee (RSC) and Strategy and Finance Community
Exercises oversight on the Group's sustainability strategy, material ESG issues, workplans, performance targets, sustainability reporting and initiatives
RSC also has oversight of climate-related risks, opportunites as well as initiatives that drive climate mitigation and adapatation strategies. Climate-related plans and progress are regularly reviewed by RSC
Group EXCO
Reviews and approves the Group's climate strategy and ESG decisions for the Group's global operations
Accountable to the board for implementation of climate-related strategy and direction
The Group Chief Strategy and Sustainability Officer assists Group EXCO in ensuring that the impact of climate change is considered in all business strategies and operational plans
Group Sustainability Working Committee (SWC)
Previously known as Group Climate Change Working Committee (CCWC)
Key platform for integrating and executing sustainability related efforts. SWC comprises operations leaders across all our business areas and is chaired by the Group Chief Sustainability Officer and sponsored by the Group Chief Financial Officer
Business Area Technology and Innovation Communities, Business Area Sustainability Focus Teams
Business leaders, regional heads and function heads are responsible for addressing the risks and opportunities in their respective areas of responsibility
Plans and actions needed are discussed at various management forums and incorporated into the strategic planning and annual budgeting processes